Ravishankar Venkateswaran is an Indian film-maker and writer. His debut movie, Punyakoti based on a folk song from Karnataka was crowd-funded and crowd-sourced. He was a pioneer in the Multimedia industry in India and directed the first interactive CD-ROM for children in 1995 for Kirloskar Multimedia based on ‘The Panchatantra’.

Ravi has a direct and interesting storytelling style. He has worked with other film-makers as a assistant in the story writing department. Ravi tends to find unique concepts from our rich traditions and folk-tales and extends his imagination to give them re-interpretations.

Ravi is a hands-on director with his interest and involvement in every department of animated storytelling like writing, thumbnailing, story-boarding, rigging, test-animation, compositing, editing, sound and music. He combines his years of experience as a designer, writer and process re-engineering consultant to make movies that are innovative.