e-CG MEETUP 6 : Master Class – How to write for feature and TV
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Asifa India invites all creative artists for its Sixth e-CG Meet up 2020 with International Expert Pilar Alessandra, Writing Coach & Author from US.
Pilar Alessandra, writing coach and author of “The Coffee Break Screenwriter” will guide creative folks in going from idea to pages by moving them from pitch to outline in two hours. Additional time will be spent on character work and the nuances of the page. A session that will get you writing your Movie script or TV pilot!
Pilar Alessandra is the director of the instructional writing program On The Page,® host of the On the Page Podcast and a highly sought-after speaker and script consultant who’s trained writers at Disney, DreamWorks, ABC, the AFM and around the world.
Pilar’s greatest accomplishment is the success of her students, many of whom have won top competitions such as the Nicholl Fellowship, work on top TV shows and have sold feature films and pitches to Netflix, Sony, Warner Bros. and other major studios.
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